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If you want to know the higest form of self control , then you should read this article !!

          The highest form of Self-Control

Yesterday while I'm  reading my Quora feed I've seen a question called

"What, according to you, is the highest form of self-control?" for that a law student named Dhairya Thakkar gave an answer which grabbed my attention and I'd like to share wid you all. 

The answer is, 

According to me highest form of self-control is not betraying your nation by giving information about your army to Pakistani army and going through extreme torture and returning dead. Captain Saurabh Kalia, Sepoy Banwar Lal Bagaria, Arjun Ram, Moola Ram and Naresh Singh were on a regular patrol at Indian side of LOC(line of control) and assumed the Bajrang Post to check if there is any infiltration by the Pakistani army. They found that Pakistani army had entered the Indian side in thousands. Then there was a long 3–4 hour battle between the 5 Indian soldiers and more than 1000 Pakistani soldiers. Captain Saurabh Kalia contacted his base for help but unfortunately, they ran out of ammunition before other Indian soldiers could reach them and were captured alive by Pakistani soldiers. No trace of their patrol was left and in some time radio, skardu of Pakistani army announced that captain Saurabh Kalia had been captured alive. Captain Saurabh Kalia and his men were in Pakistani captivity from 15 May 1999 to 7 June 1999(for over 22 days). There they were given the worst form of torture.
  1. Pakistani soldiers had tortured their prisoners by burning their bodies with cigarettes.
2. They chopped off their fingers.
3. Not only their fingers but their limbs, lips and private organs like penis, scrotum etc were also cut off.
4. Also, all of their 32 teeth were broken with rifle butts and their nose was cut off and also their eyes were first burst with hot iron rod and then removed.
5. Also, his skull had fractures from rifle butts.
And after going through all this horrendous torture for 22 days they still did not reveal any information about Indian army and betray us, so they were shot dead.
So according to me, this is the highest form of self-control.
Then their mutilated bodies, when returned to the Indian side and after postmortem, were given to their families.
When their parents saw their bodies they were in tears and shock as their son's each and every body part was chopped off. His face had no lips, no teeth. They could even see inside his skull i.e. his brain.
These are Saurabh Kaila's parents. So according to me not only Saurabh Kalia had the highest form of self-control for not revealing information about Indian Army but also his parents as the Pakistani army clearly ripped off the Geneva Convention of prevention of torture and the Indian government did not take this case to international court of justice stating the Shimla Act which it signed with Pakistan which states any disputes will be solved bilaterally i.e no one party will take the other to international court without the permission of other and solve issues internally but till now Indian government has done nothing to give justice to this soldier. These soldiers' justice was also a political gimmick used by Modi government to get votes from the public but after coming to power the Modi government has done nothing for the soldiers. Their parents even sued government till Supreme Court which government lost and the judge ordered the government to take the case to international court but still to no avail even the judge's order was met with deaf ears. So even their parents have very high self-control as their parents didn't bad mouth the government and also all Indian soldiers have high self-control as they didn't take over the government and are still dying on borders for the existence of that very government that did not do anything for them.

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